On learning about this drugging deal, George embarks to fight Boyka again for his freedom. Steven, a friend to George, is compelled by Yuri’s friends to sedate George for fear that his deadly kicks and hard training will earn him victory. The wardens entice George to face Yuri in a battle to earn credit for an early release to which he reluctantly consents. These officials risk the lives of those in jail for their gains and benefits. Officials manning the prison organize for severe fights involving the inmates. While behind the prison bars, he encounters with Yuri Boyka, Scott Adkins. He is subsequently framed as being in possession of cocaine after which he is sent to prison. Here, George Iceman visits the Russian Federation in attendance of different boxing matches. Undisputed 3 is a like continuation of Undisputed 2. Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing Image: Instagram UGC Keean Johnson age, height, girlfriend, parents, movies, Instagram 2. Provided below is a list of the top 10 Scott Adkins movies. A combination of his skills has earned him popularity as a hilarious actor to look out for in movie productions. Over the years, the actor has practiced and gained experience, becoming a phenomenal acrobat, actor, and a renowned martial artist stealing hilarious scenes in every movie featuring his role.

His career dates back to when he was 10 years of age, which was when he first expressed interest in martial arts following a visit to a Judo club with his elder brother and father. He was born in 1976 in a family of butchers based at Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham in England. Scott Edward Adkins is among the highly talented English actors with a Spanish descent. Keep reading to get to know the best Scott Adkins movies. The actor has attracted a loyal trail of insanely enthusiastic fans for his starring talents and roles in different films. What are Adkin's best movies? The martial artist and English actor featured in several top-ranking films among them “Undisputed II: Last Man Standing” and “Undisputed III: Redemption.” As such, the list of Adkin movies is arguably more extended than you may think, given his long-standing career in the industry.